

From north to south, I ride the lines
chasing the horizon
you’d think the trains move fast enough
but this is the only rocket I know

I feel the depths of every street crossed
each neighbourhood telling their story
a longevity reaching far before I have touched these grounds
you can hear the dust from years past whisper in the winds
There is more history that I will never know
and have yet to know

The streetlights flicker,
a sign for me to keep my eyes open
I remember to look up this time –
high rises looking down at me
apartment buildings glaring at me
foliage inviting me
This is all a subtle reminder of how we all make up this city

I continue to coast the lines as the breadth broadens wider than the edges of the Bluffs
eyes wide open, I feel the air around me sigh
a formal welcoming to whoever dares to pass each borderline

I am finally home
